Hallgren RC. Biomechanical Properties and Histological Structure of Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor (RCPm) Muscles Pulled to Failure. Submitted to the Journal of Biomechanics. Manuscript number BM-D-20-01369 under review.
Seidel GK, Jamal SA, Weidert E, Carington F, Andary MT, Millis SR, Loder BG. Predictive Outcome Modeling of Preoperative Clinical Symptoms and Electrodiagnostic Data in Tarsal Tunnel Surgery. J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 16: e37-45, 2021.
Saffarian, M. Barbaria, V. McCormick, Z. Fact Finders: Motor Stimulation Testing in Lumbar Radiofrequency Neurotomy, Pain Medicine. January 2021.
Smith CM, Saffarian, M. McCormick Z. Fact Finders: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents for Lumbar Medial Branch Radiofrequency Neurotomy. Pain Medicine. November 2020.
Parkhurst D, Wyatt R, Andary M, Sylvain J. Validation of a brief cognitive screening examination in an adult acute inpatient rehabilitation population. Top Geriatr Rehabil. (Accepted Pending Date).
Saffarian M, Mattie R, Smith C. Fact Finders: Minimizing Risk with Stellate Ganglion Blocks. Pain Medicine. September 2020
Popescu, A. Saffarian, M. Schneider, B McCormick, Z. Smith, C. Fact Finders: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets for Lumbar Medial Branch Blocks, Pain Medicine, July 2020.
Gusfa, D, Bashir D, Saffarian M. Clinical Pearl: Diagnosis and Managing Sacroiliac Joint Pain. American Journal of PM&R. July 20, 2020.
Hallgren RC, Rowan JJ. Implied Evidence of the Functional Role of Rectus Capitis Posterior Muscles. JAOA; 120(6):395-403. June 2020.
Miller, D. Patel, J. Gill, J. Mattie, R. Saffarian, M. Schneider, B. Popescu, A. Barbaria, V. McCormick, Z. Fact Finders: Corticosteroid Injections and COVID-19 Infection Risk, Pain Medicine. May 2020
Patel J, Saffarian M, Smith C. Fact Finders: Epidural Steroid Injections and Risk of Lumbar Surgical Site Infection. Pain Medicine. April 2020
McKivigan, J.M., Gilmour, G.J. Neuro-Anatomical Changes of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on Advanced Imaging: A Literature Review. International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences. Vol 7(2) 6-12; April 2020.
Patukian M, Saffarian M, et al. The Ivy League-Big Ten Epidemiology of Concussion Study: A Report on Methods and First Findings, The American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol 47. Issue 5: 1236-1247. April 2019.
Saffarian M, Swampillai J, Andary M, Sylvain J, Halliday S, Bratta B. Incidence of Injury and Illness During the 2013 World Dwarf Games. Injury Epidemiology. 6:13, April 2019. PubMed PMID: 31245262.
Kvalsund M, Mukomena P, Chidumayo T, Birbeck GL, Andary M, Horner M, Herrmann DN. Electrodiagnostic consultations in Zambia: Referral characteristics and neuromuscular disorders. J Neurol Sci; 397:150-154. Feb 2019. PMID: 30634131.
Ranganathan R, Gebara R, Andary M, Sylvain J. Chronic stroke survivors show task-dependent modulation of motor variability during bimanual coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 121, 756-763. Jan 2019. PMID: 30601671.
Parkhurst D, Gebara R, Andary M, Fajardo R. A third entrapment site of the ulnar nerve. Muscle Nerve; 60(suppl):S1. 2019.
Seidel M, Seidel G, Hakopian D, Hornbach E, Andary M. Electrodiagnostic Evidence of Berrettini Anastomosis. J Clin Neurophysiol. Mar 2018; 35(2):133-137.
Gilmour G, McKivigan J. Effectiveness of Intermittent Mechanical Traction in Cervical Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review. J Med Res Prac. Mar 2018; 7(3):39-46.
Saffarian M, Condie N, Austin E, McCausland K, Andary M, Sylvain J, Mull I, Zemper E, Jannausch M. Comparison of Four Different Nerve Conduction Techniques of the Superficial Fibular Sensory Nerve. Muscle & Nerve. 2017 Sep;56(3):458-462.
Hallgren R, Pierce S, Sharma D, Rowan J. Forward Head Posture and Activation of Rectus Capitis Posterior Muscles. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2017;117(1):24 doi:10.7556/jaoa.2017.004
Gilmour G, McKivigan J. Evaluating medical students’ proficiency with a handheld ophthalmoscope: a pilot study. Advances in Medical Education and Practice. 2017:8, 33-36.
Dillingham T, Chen S, Andary M, Buschbacher R, Del Toro D, Smith B, Zimmermann K, So Y. Establishing High-Quality Reference Values for Nerve Conduction Studies: A Report from the Normative Data Task Force of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. Muscle Nerve. 2016 Sep;54(3):366-70. doi: 10.1002/mus.25204. PubMed PMID: 27238858.
Chen S, Andary M, Buschbacher R, Del Toro D, Smith B, So Y, Zimmermann K, Dillingham T. Electrodiagnostic reference values for upper and lower limb nerve conduction studies in adult populations. Muscle Nerve. 2016 Sep;54(3):371-7. doi: 10.1002/mus.25203. PubMed PMID: 27238640.
Slesinski M, Austin E, Andary M. Prevalence of Fibrillation Potentials in the Deltoid Muscle Following Influenza Vaccination. Muscle and Nerve. October 2015 S120
Kvalsund M, Tegtmeier J, Hornbach E, Andary M. Electrical Needle Stimulation for Localization in Rare Median Mononeuropathy of the Forearm. Muscle and Nerve. October 2015 page S26
Nicholson J, Gebara R, Dyme Z, Andary M. Acute Mercury Intoxication in an Adolescent Male: a Case Report. Muscle and Nerve. October 2015 S101.
Hakopian D, Saffarian M, Andary M, Hornbach E. Acute Compressive Ulnar Neuropathy at Guyon’s Canal Following Carpal Tunnel Release. Muscle & Nerve. October 2015.
Gooch CL, Doherty T, Ming Chan K, Bromberg M, Lewis R, Stashuk D, Berger M, Andary M, Daube J. Reply to reflection on MUNE. Muscle Nerve. 2015 Apr;51(4):624. doi: 10.1002/mus.24585. PubMed PMID: 25620429.
Hallgren R, Rowan J. Assessment of Potential Strain Injury to Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscles During Whiplash-Type Distortions of the Cervical Spine. JOM. 2021;121(6):278-302.
Hallgren R, Rowan J. Implied Evidence of the Functional Role of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Muscles. JAOA. 2020; 120(6):395-403.
Hallgren R, Rowan J. MR Imaging Parameters Selected for Optimal Visualization of Structures of the Occipito-Atlantal (OA) Interspace. JAOA. 2019;119(3):173-182.
Hallgren R, Pierce S, Sharma D, Rowan J. Forward Head Posture Results in Increased Activation of Rectus Capitis Posterior Muscles. JAOA. 2017;117(1):24-31.
Hallgren R. Injury Threshold of Rectus Capitis Muscles at the Atlanto-Occipital Joint. JMPT. 2017;40(2):71-76.
Hallgren R, Rowan J, Pierce S, Bai P, Shafer-Crane G, Prokop L. Activation of Rectus Capitis Posterior Major Muscles During Voluntary Retraction of the Head in Asymptomatic Subjects. JMPT. 2014;37(6):433-440.
Hallgren R, 2014. Modeling Length-Tension Properties of RCPm Muscles During Voluntary Retraction of the Head. Manual Therapy. 2014;19(4):319-323.
Hallgren R, Pierce S, Prokop L, Rowan J, Angela L. Electromyographic Activity of Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscles Associated with Voluntary Retraction of the Head. The Spine Journal. 2014;14(1):104-112.
Hallgren R, Cattrysse E, Zrull J. In Vitro Characterization of the Anterior to Posterior Curvature of the Superior Facets of the Atlas as a Function of Age. The Spine Journal. 2011;11(3):241-244.
Hallgren R, Andary M, Wyman A, Rowen J. A Standardized Protocol for Needle Placement in Suboccipital Muscles. Clinical Anatomy. 2008;21(6):501-508.
Hallgren R, Andary M. Under-Shooting of a Neutral Reference Position Following Cervical Motion in the Sagittal Plane. JMPT. 2008;31(7):547-552.
Hack G, Hallgren R. Chronic Headache Relief After Section of Suboccipital Muscle Dural Connections: A Case Report. Headache. 2004;44(1):84-89.
Andary M, Hallgren R, Greenman P, Rechtein J. Neurogenic Atrophy of Suboccipital Muscles After a Cervical Injury: A Case Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1998;77(6):545-549.
Hack G, Koritzer R, Robinson W, Hallgren R, Greenman P. Anatomical Relation Between the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle and the Dura Mater. Spine. 1995; 20(23):2484-2486.
Posters / Presentations / Abstracts (* = Award)
Carrese A, Tokhie HS. Bilateral Morel-Lavalee Lesions after Motor Vehicle Collision: A Case Report. AAPMR 2020 Annual Meeting.
Carrese A, Tokhie HS. Artery of Percheron Stroke in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting: A Case Report. AAPMR 2020 Annual Meeting.
*Barnes M, Carington F, Andary MT. Facial Droop After Carotid Endarterectomy: A Complicated Picture of Stroke and Multiple Cranial Nerve Injuries. AANEM 2020 Annual Meeting. Awarded the 2020 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award.
*Carrese A, Sudekum S, Tegtmeier J, Andary M. Isolated B6 Deficiency and Elevated Cadmium Levels leading to a Sensory Axonal Polyneuropathy and possible Ganglionopathy. AANEM 2020 Annual Meeting. Awarded the 2020 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award.
*Parkhurst D, Andary M, Powell J. An additional electrodiagnostic tool for ulnar neuropathy: Mixed across the elbow. Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, March 2020. Awarded “Top Poster”.
Barnes M, Parkhurst D, Andary M. A common nerve conduction study pitfall: Pseudo-conduction block of the ulnar nerve. Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, March 2020.
Cheng F, Schratz M, Tokhie H. Rehabilitation of a Patient with Recurrent Strokes Due to Rare Primary CNS Light Chain Deposition Disease: A Case Presentation. AAPM&R Annual Assembly, Nov 2019.
*Bell A, Carrese A, Tokhie H, Tegtmeier J, Andary M. Nonalcoholic/Anorexic Thiamine Deficiency Leading to Severe Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy. AANEM Annual Meeting Oct 2019. Mid-Michigan Research Day Apr 2019. Awarded the 2019 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award. Awarded 2nd Place in “Overall Best Case Report.
*Parkhurst D, Gebara R, Andary M, Fajardo R. A third entrapment site of the ulnar nerve. ANNEM Annual Meeting, Oct 2019. Awarded the 2019 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award.
Schratz M, Condie N. Exercise-Induced Bilateral Radial Neuropathy in a Police Cadet: A Case Report. AAPM&R Annual Assembly, Nov 2019.
Huprikar T, Saffarian M. Cryogenically Induced Ischemic Monomelic Mononeuropathy. Mid-Michigan Lansing Research Day. April 2018. American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine Annual Assembly. October 2019
Cheng F, Andary M, Keating R. Spinal Accessory Neuropathy due to Sequela of Epstein-Barr Virus Mononucleosis: A Case Report. AANEM Annual Meeting, Oct 2019. Mid-Michigan Research Day Apr 2019.
Femminineo DA, Nicholson JT, Andary MT. Detection of Martin-Gruber Anastomosis by Mixed Nerve Conduction Study: A Case Report. AANEM Annual Meeting, Oct 2019. Lansing Research Day, Apr 2019.
Barnes M, Tokhie H, Andary M, Sylvain J. Recreational Nitrous Oxide Use as a Cause of Subacute Combined Degeneration, Case Report. Lansing Research Day April 2019.
Gonzalez C, Saffarian M, Kovan J, Hawkins J. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Use of Ultrasound in a Wrestler with Persistent Knee Pain. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. April 2019
Hawkins J, Saffarian M, Knake J. Atypical Plantar Foot Pain in a 15yo Basketball Player. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. April 2019.
Schratz M, Cheng F, Tokhie H. Intracerebral Kappa Light Chain Monoclonal Immunoglobulin Disease Causing Recurrent Ischemic Strokes: A Case Report. Lansing Research Day, April 2018.
Slesinski M, Saffarian M. Atypical Cause of Shoulder Pain in a Softball Player. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. April 2017
Saffarian M, Swampillai J, Andary M, Sylvain J, Halliday S, Bratta B. Incidence of Injury and Illness During the 2013 World Dwarf Games. Mid-Michigan Lansing Research Day. April 2016 3rd place winner.
Slesinski M, Austin E, Andary M. Prevalence of Fibrillation Potentials in the Deltoid Muscle Following Influenza Vaccination. Lansing Research Day April 2015. State Wide Campus System Research Day, May 20, 2015.
Nicholson J, Gebara R, Dyme Z, Andary M. Acute Mercury Intoxication in an Adolescent Male: a Case Report. Lansing Research Day April 2015.
Hakopian D, Saffarian M, Andary M, Hornbach E. Acute Compressive Ulnar Neuropathy at Guyon’s Canal Following Carpal Tunnel Release. Lansing Research Day, April 2015.
Dillingham T, Andary MT, Dumitru D; Chapter 8 Electrodiagnostic Medicine. Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 5th Edition Elsevier 2016.Pages 131-163.e12.
Hawkins J, Saffarian M. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Lateral Epicondylitis. Medscape: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. December 2017.
Cholewicki J, Saffarian M. The Role of Ostoepathic Manipulative Therapy in Recovery from Concussion. AOA grant #2005803
Nicodemus, Tegtmeier J, et al. Prospective, Cohort Study of the Cost Effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain (In Collaboration with Rowan University. AOA Grant #3011806720.
Rebecca Wyatt, John Wang, Sherman Gorbis, Arthur Jones III. The Effect of OMT on Functional Outcomes and Anti-inflammatory Biomarkers in Mild- to Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. Proposal submitted for $149,849 AOA grant February 2017
Rajiv Ranganathan, PhD, Subir Biswas, PhD, Rani Gebara, DO. Combining Wearable Feedback and Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation to Address Loss of Independent Joint Control After Stroke. Proposal submitted for $749,748.00 grant to the American Heart Association, February 2017.
Hallgren R. Efficacy of a Therapeutic Intervention to Decrease Chronic Headache Measures in Female Patients. Proposal submitted for $99,691 AOA Grant, February 2017

Mid-Michigan Research Day, April 2019 – 2nd Place in “Overall Best Case Report”
AANEM Annual Meeting October 2019 – 2019 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award

ANNEM Annual Meeting October 2019 - 2019 AANEM Residency and Fellowship Abstract Award

AAP Annual Meeting March 2020 – “Top Poster”